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What Happens During Gastric Band Surgery?

A gastric band is one of the options for weight loss surgery. It works by reducing the size of your stomach so that it will take less food to make you feel full. Your appetite won’t change after you have laparoscopic surgery to fit a gastric band, but the amount of food you can eat comfortably will be reduced.

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More Young People are Morbidly Obese

There are more and more young people aged 25 and younger who are morbidly obese, suffering from its complications and in danger of an early death, leading some professionals in the field criticizing society’s dismal failure at addressing the issue. Lack of exercise, junk foods, too much fructose and other sugars and largely sedentary lifestyle are some of the reasons why the weight of young people has skyrocketed.

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Weight Loss Surgery could Cure Diabetes

A quarter of the UK population is now obese. Processed foods, lack of exercise and too much sugar are fueling an epidemic of obesity in this country and in other developed countries and causing a cascade of weight-related illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, liver disease and cancer. Read More

Life After Bariatric Surgery

If you are considering bariatric surgery, then you already know how important it is to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle. It is one of the first things your doctor will discuss with you when you talk about having surgery to help with your weight loss. Before you commit to having surgery, your doctor will want to make sure that you have tried the other options, and it is also important to be sure that you can commit to making the right lifestyle changes after you have the surgery. Read More

Choosing the Right Surgical Procedure for Obesity

If you and your doctor have decided that bariatric surgery is right for you, there are several different surgical procedures for obesity that could help you to manage your weight. Although all three procedures work by reducing your appetite and restricting the amount of food you can eat, they do this in very different ways. It is important to find out all about the risks and benefits of each procedure so that you can choose the option that will suit you best.

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Deciding to Have Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is an option that many people consider when they are finding it difficult to lose weight, but it is important to think very carefully about whether or not surgery is the right option for you. Read More

Reverse Diabetes with Weight Loss Surgery

The number of people who are clinically obese has skyrocketed in recent years. A statistical report in 2007 estimated that over half of the UK population would be obese by the year 2050. However, with the numbers of people who are struggling with obesity exceeding expectations, a group called The National Obesity Forum predicted that this figure was an under-estimation of the problem and called for the government to do something more to address the crisis. Read More

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Many people know the frustration of taking an outfit out of the wardrobe and discovering it doesn’t fit and we’ve all struggled with trying to avoid unhealthy foods and get enough exercise. There are more diets than one can shake a stick at, weight loss drinks, swimming classes and gym but it can be an uphill fight to lose weight. Read More

Indications for Gastric Band Surgery

A gastric band is an effective way to lose as much as 50% of your excess weight. However, if you are contemplating gastric band surgery, it is important that this option for weight loss is right for you. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence, therefore, makes recommendations about the circumstances under which weight loss surgery is appropriate. If you meet the criteria for bariatric surgery, a gastric band is a less invasive option than a gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, offering a shorter hospital stay and recovery period. Although it is essential that you are committed to weight loss before the operation, if a gastric band does not suit you, another advantage is that this bariatric procedure is reversible. Read More

How to Maintain Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery?

Although bariatric surgery offers you the opportunity to lose weight successfully if you have previously struggled to decrease your weight through other means, to achieve lasting weight loss after bariatric surgery you need to make life-long changes to your eating habits. You will receive detailed instructions following your operation about the types of foods you can eat in the initial weeks after surgery, but around 8 weeks after the procedure when you resume foods of a normal consistency, careful food choices are essential to allow continued weight loss. By following a well-balanced diet that is portion controlled, and combining this with regular physical activity, you have the best chance of losing fat, while preserving your muscle mass. Read More