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Is Obesity a Disease?

Added On: March 11, 2019
By: admin

Obesity isn’t usually considered a disease in the UK, but other counties such as the US and Portugal already treat it as a medical issue rather than a lifestyle choice. The Royal College of Physicians is calling for the same shift in perceptions to happen here.

What is the Success Rate of Bariatric Surgery?

Added On: December 12, 2018
By: admin

One of the most frequently asked questions about bariatric surgery is how successful the procedure is expected to be. Comparing the success rates of different procedures can help you to decide which one is right for you, but it’s important to understand what these figures actually mean. How is the success of a bariatric procedure […]

Can Dust Make You Fat?

Added On: June 27, 2018
By: admin

Many explanations have been suggested for the rise in obesity. Some of them are simple ideas about what and how we eat that have helped shape the advice given at weight loss clinics, but others are more controversial. One idea that has recently been generating a lot of debate is whether the chemicals that lie […]

Who Can Help to Prevent Obesity?

Added On: March 1, 2018
By: admin

Obesity is a problem that often starts in childhood, when we develop our relationships with food and our attitudes towards our own bodies. It is a topic that is particularly important for those of us who are raising children while struggling with our own weight. How can we bring up happy, healthy children who won’t […]